Tag Archives: Memory

10 results

Communication, memory and concentration

Video running time: 03.39 minutes. The film may take time to download depending on your broadband speed.To enlarge to full screen click on the arrows at the bottom right of the frame. If you are having problems … Continue reading

Found in Topic: Communication strategies

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By the end of this topic you should: Know what cognition means and the ways it can affect the person after a stroke. Know practical ways to help the person who has a cognition problem. Have some ideas about how … Continue reading

Found in Topic: Cognition

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By the end of this topic you should: Know that there are many areas in the brain which are associated with memory. Know that memory can be triggered by the senses. Know that there are memory processes and stages. Know about practical tips … Continue reading

Found in Topic: Memory strategies

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Other things which may affect memory

View Text Alternative Mental training There is some evidence that mental training may improve alertness and attention. Give the brain a work out by doing simple mental tasks, mental arithmetic, crosswords, sudoku puzzles. Listening to music may also be beneficial … Continue reading

Found in Topic: Memory strategies

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Practical tips to help the person with memory problems – 2

Use people to prompt Make arrangements in advance Routines Verbal prompts.” Did you remember to take your tablets at lunchtime”? Physical prompts.” Here are your tablets you should take them just now”. Make a phone call to remind the person of … Continue reading

Found in Topic: Memory strategies


Practical tips to help the person with memory problems – 1

Here are some practical tips to try and help someone with memory problems after stroke. Think about the things you normally use to help you remember. Not all of them may work for everybody. Memory also needs practice to improve. … Continue reading

Found in Topic: Memory strategies


Three memory stages

View Text Alternative Memory can be divided into stages; Immediate memory. We use this to look up and dial a phone number but once we have done the task we do not need to remember the number for any longer … Continue reading

Found in Topic: Memory strategies

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Three memory processes

View Text Alternative There are three processes which must happen for us to be able to remember. Processing Information This is taking information from around us and our senses and selecting which information is important and which is not. None of … Continue reading

Found in Topic: Memory strategies

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We all forget things at some time. We all have our own ways to try to remember the important things. By understanding a little about how we learn and how memory works this will help to suggest ways to recall … Continue reading

Found in Topic: Memory strategies

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Mental leisure activities

Mental leisure activities can also be graded and may help as an alternative or to compliment therapeutic goals. For example, word searches can help with visual scanning to the affected side. Some examples of mental activities which can be adapted. … Continue reading

Found in Topic: Self help

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