Tag Archives: Spiritual support

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By the end of this topic you should know: What is meant by spiritual support How to recognise spiritual distress Ways to express spirituality How to get spiritual support from different sources The role of the hospital chaplain

Found in Topic: Spiritual care support

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Spiritual support networks – Chaplaincy

Chaplaincy In hospitals the chaplaincy service offers spiritual or pastoral care whatever your life situation. The support is entirely person centered and will reflect a faith approach to life only if it is important to you or if you request … Continue reading

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Spiritual support networks – Faith groups

You may or may not have connections with a faith community but they could be a means of offering you an alternative support or practical help you may not have considered before. In the community, faith groups offer a range … Continue reading

Found in Topic: Spiritual care support


Expressions of spirituality

Time out. The physical aspect of caring has many daily distractions and responsibilities. To be able to reflect on your beliefs, whatever they are, you may need help with the physical needs of caring first. To give yourself the time … Continue reading

Found in Topic: Spiritual care support


What do we mean by spirituality?

Spirituality is our own inner way of finding meaning, peace and a contentedness in life. It is not limited to religious tradition or institution. Where do we find this inner strength? What is it in our lives which gives us an internal … Continue reading

Found in Topic: Spiritual care support


Signs of spiritual distress

Look out for signs of spiritual distress in you or the person you care for; Anger Fear Preoccupation with illness, suffering Loss of hope Change in beliefs Questioning beliefs

Found in Topic: Spiritual care support


“The big questions”

Do you find yourself asking any of these questions as a carer? Why has all this happened to me? How will I get through this? How could God let this happen? Why is there suffering? Have you experienced any of … Continue reading

Found in Topic: Spiritual care support



After the person has a stroke, it can be difficult to come to terms with how this may affect your life as well as theirs. It is a major and unexpected life event for the person and for those closest … Continue reading

Found in Topic: Spiritual care support
