Tag Archives: Occupational Therapist

10 results

Equipment Needs assessment

If the person is still in hospital any equipment they need should be assessed for and referral made by the hospital. Usually the Occupational Therapist for daily living equipment, Physiotherapist for walking aids or Nursing staff for medical equipment or … Continue reading

Found in Topic: Equipment

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Bathroom adaptations

Bathroom adaptations are expensive and local authorities usually have strict eligibility criteria for adaptations to property. An  assessment of need by local authority Occupational Therapist is essential. Contact your local authority for details of how to get an assessment. This is usually done if … Continue reading

Found in Topic: Daily living activities

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How to assist the person in and out of a car safely

If the person is still in hospital, ask the Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist or Stroke Nurse for individual advice on the safest method they recommend. If the person is at home you can ask for a Community Physiotherapy referral.

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Found in Topic: Daily living activities

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Kitchen task tips

Many people who have had a stroke can only use one hand, however many learn to adapt and can make their own meals. A little extra planning and organising helps. The right kitchen equipment can make a big difference. Here … Continue reading

Found in Topic: Daily living activities

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Bed raisers can be supplied which will raise the height of a domestic bed. Back rests and over bed tables are also available. Bed rails which fit between the base and the mattress can be useful to help the person … Continue reading

Found in Topic: Equipment

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Bathing and toilet equipment

The type of equipment you may get will depend on the outcome of the assessment by the Occupational Therapist or Community Care Assistant. They will consider; the person’s individual needs. the most cost effective equipment. safest solution available for the person’s … Continue reading

Found in Topic: Equipment

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Disabled Living Centres

There are 5  Disabled Living Centres around Scotland in Dundee, Edinburgh, Elgin, Grangemouth, and Paisley. You can make an appointment to go and try a wide variety and selection of options such as chairs, beds, stair lifts, commodes, bathing equipment … Continue reading

Found in Topic: Equipment

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Practical advice for dyspraxia – tasks

Tips during tasks Be patient try to let the person work the problem out first, then if they still have difficulty give a prompt or reminder. Work on just one task at a time. Try to do this when the … Continue reading

Found in Topic: Perceptual Problems

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What to do if you think there is a visual problem

If the person is still in hospital ask the doctor to do an eye examination. They may be able to see a problem immediately or they could ask for an eye specialist to examine the eyes in more detail. If the person … Continue reading

Found in Topic: Visual Problems

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Home Visits

View Text Alternative What is the visit for? Every person and every home is different. The purpose of the visit is to make the safest discharge plan and to see how the person copes in their own environment. Who arranges … Continue reading

Found in Topic: The hospital team

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