Tag Archives: Wheelchair

7 results

Getting a wheelchair into a car

Video running time: 01.53 minutes. The film may take time to download depending on your broadband speed. To enlarge to full screen click on the arrows at the bottom right of the frame. If you are having problems … Continue reading

Found in Topic: Moving and handling

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Manoeuvring a wheelchair

Video running time: 02.02 minutes. The film may take time to download depending on your broadband speed. To enlarge to full screen click on the arrows at the bottom right of the frame. If you are having … Continue reading

Found in Topic: Moving and handling

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By the end of this topic you should have a better understanding of: Equipment available and how to get it. Wheelchairs, manual and powered. Equipment for kitchen, bedroom , bathroom , chairs and hoists. Where to buy small items of … Continue reading

Found in Topic: Equipment

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Air travel can involve complex arrangements for anyone regardless of any disability. Airports and aircraft can present more problems for people after stroke. View Text Alternative Fit to fly? You should check with your doctor that you are fit to … Continue reading

Found in Topic: Driving and transport alternatives

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Transport for wheelchair users

If the person you care for has mobility problems or uses a wheelchair this can make even short journeys difficult. The longer the journey and the less able the person is, means more planning before taking longer trips. Planning ahead … Continue reading

Found in Topic: Driving and transport alternatives

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How to assist the person in and out of a car safely

If the person is still in hospital, ask the Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist or Stroke Nurse for individual advice on the safest method they recommend. If the person is at home you can ask for a Community Physiotherapy referral.

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Found in Topic: Daily living activities

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Lifting a manual wheelchair into or out of a vehicle video

Video running time: 01.53 minutes. The film may take time to download depending on your broadband speed. To enlarge to full screen click on the arrows at the bottom right of the frame. If you are having problems … Continue reading

Found in Topic: Daily living activities

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