3. Practical advice and tips for carers > Memory strategies

Memory strategies

4) Practical tips to help the person with memory problems – 1

Here are some practical tips to try and help someone with memory problems after stroke. Think about the things you normally use to help you remember. Not all of them may work for everybody. Memory also needs practice to improve. You can print this page to help you remember and use these tips.

Written Reminders Using objects to help Use other senses

  • Diary – either keep a dairy to remember what they have done or to help remember important events and appointments in the future.
  • Make a list.
  • Calendar.
  • Daily to do list. Check off each item once it is completed.
  • Diagrams.
  • Notebook.
  • Post it notes.
  • Directions.
  • Recipes.
  • Use highlighter pens in text.

  • Dictaphone.
  • Clocks/watches.
  • Text messages can be used as reminders.
  • Programme reminders on a mobile phone.
  • Audio alarms or kitchen timers.
  • Maps.
  • Newspapers to check day, date and remember current events.
  • Pictures or photographs.

  • Smell can evoke a memory. Favourite food or perfume.
  • Sounds can also evoke memory. Favourite music, someone’s voice.
  • Taste can not only remind us of foods but can sometimes be strongly associated with people or events. Wedding cake, Christmas mince pies.
  • Imagination or Visualisation. Picture yourself doing the task in your head, think or talk through what you have to do next.
  • Reduce distractions. If they have to attempt an important task, try to reduce the level of distraction so the person can concentrate and focus.
  • Reading out loud sometimes helps reinforce the memory.
  • Rhymes.e.g. 30 days has September, April, June and November…