Tag Archives: Concentration

3 results

Communication, memory and concentration

Video running time: 03.39 minutes. The film may take time to download depending on your broadband speed.To enlarge to full screen click on the arrows at the bottom right of the frame. If you are having problems … Continue reading

Found in Topic: Communication strategies

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Balance and mobility

Balance is the bodies’ automatic ability to stop us from falling over during tasks e.g. stepping; reaching etc. It is a key requirement for being able to move and walk.  After a stroke balance can be affected and may take time … Continue reading

Found in Topic: Physical deficits

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Practical tips to help someone with cognitive problems

View Text Alternative What is the problem? Speak to doctors, therapists and nurses. If the person has been seen by a clinical psychologist, ask to speak to them. Ask what strategies they have tried while in hospital which you could … Continue reading

Found in Topic: Cognition

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