Tag Archives: Advocacy

4 results


You should now know more about: How to get information about carer’s rights. The Law and carers. Employment rights for carers. Pensions. Advocacy for carers. How you can get involved in planning for the future needs of carers.

Found in Topic: Carers’ rights

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Advocacy services

You can get independent help to put your complaint to the organisation by using an Advocacy Service. Advocacy can assist and support you to communicate and express your views about complex issues to large organisations. They can help by assisting … Continue reading

Found in Topic: Carers’ rights


Making a complaint- further links

It is always better to discuss the issues around your complaint with staff before moving on to make an official complaint. You may be able to resolve the complaint more quickly and easily. However these links may help you to … Continue reading

Found in Topic: The hospital team

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Who they are and what they do?

View Text Alternative Medical: Medical history Neurological examination Blood tests Referral for CT or MRI scans Medication. aspirin, warfarin, thrombolysis, statins Detection and treatment of complications- infections,deep vein thrombosis, epileptic seizures Monitoring and reducing risk of further stroke. (secondary prevention) … Continue reading

Found in Topic: The hospital team

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