Key tags
Adaptations Adults with Incapacity aphasia Balance Benefits Care Homes Care Needs Assessment Carer needs assessment Carer support Communication Coping strategies Depression Discharge Planning District/Community nurse Dressing dyspraxia Emergency Care Plan Equipment Falls Fatigue Inattention Insight Intimacy Kitchen equipment Long term conditions Medication Memory Moving and handling Neglect Occupational Therapist Palliative or end of life care PEG tube feed Physiotherapist Power of attorney Relationships Relaxation Sensation Spiritual support Stress Telecare TIA Transport Walking Wheelchair Work
Tag Archives: Naso-gastric feed
2 results
Special diets
We should all be trying to reduce salt, fat, alcohol and sugar in our diets and increase the fiber, fruit and vegetables to stay healthy. Some people will be advised to remain on special diets when they go home. The … Continue reading
Found in Topic: Swallowing, eating and nutrition
Tagged: Community Dietitian | Mince/Mashed Diet | Naso-gastric feed | PEG tube feed
Tagged: Community Dietitian | Mince/Mashed Diet | Naso-gastric feed | PEG tube feed
Who they are and what they do?
View Text Alternative Medical: Medical history Neurological examination Blood tests Referral for CT or MRI scans Medication. aspirin, warfarin, thrombolysis, statins Detection and treatment of complications- infections,deep vein thrombosis, epileptic seizures Monitoring and reducing risk of further stroke. (secondary prevention) … Continue reading
Found in Topic: The hospital team
Tagged: Activities of daily living | Adaptations | Advocacy | CT scan | Care Needs Assessment | Carer needs assessment | Cognition | Communication | Discharge Planning | Dosette box | Functional Electrical Stimulation | MRI scan | Naso-gastric feed | Orthotist | PEG tube feed | Perception | Sheltered housing | Single shared Assessment | Stroke nurse service | Supported accommodation | Thrombolysis | Transcutanious electrical nerve stimulation | Video fluroscopy
Tagged: Activities of daily living | Adaptations | Advocacy | CT scan | Care Needs Assessment | Carer needs assessment | Cognition | Communication | Discharge Planning | Dosette box | Functional Electrical Stimulation | MRI scan | Naso-gastric feed | Orthotist | PEG tube feed | Perception | Sheltered housing | Single shared Assessment | Stroke nurse service | Supported accommodation | Thrombolysis | Transcutanious electrical nerve stimulation | Video fluroscopy