Tag Archives: Anxiety

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By the end of this topic you should: Know about looking after your own health as a carer Know ways to cope with stress Know relaxation techniques to try for yourself Know how to get support for anxiety and depression

Found in Topic: Looking after your own health and wellbeing

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Psychological support for anxiety and depression

Becoming a carer can raise many feelings in you and some people find comfort by sharing these feelings with others. Not everyone can do this or want to do this. If you are feeling very anxious or depressed or these … Continue reading

Found in Topic: Looking after your own health and wellbeing

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Effects of stroke which may make balancing and regaining mobility difficult.

Here are some of the effects of stroke which may make balancing and regaining mobility difficult. Muscular Physiological Psychological Loss of muscle control – muscles are required to move the body around and keep balance. Weak muscles – muscles need … Continue reading

Found in Topic: Physical deficits

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