3. Practical advice and tips for carers > Driving and transport alternatives

Driving and transport alternatives

7) Taxis

Wheelchair access taxis

Many taxi operators who use the Hackney type cabs have adapted their vehicles with ramps and extended seat belts so the wheelchair user can be transported in their wheelchair. Check when making a booking if the cab is suitable for a wheelchair user.

Some taxi companies use larger people carrier size taxis which are adapted for wheelchair use. These can be useful if you have to carry other equipment such as a walking frame and more than one or two passengers. Look for local taxi firms who will advertise in yellow pages or local directories if they have adapted taxis.

Taxicard Scheme

You may be eligible to apply for a Taxicard which offers subsidised taxi fares. The scheme is administered by some local authorities or councils by application, contact them for an application form and details of the terms and conditions.

See previous page on cars for more alternatives