3. Practical advice and tips for carers > Driving and transport alternatives

Driving and transport alternatives

4) The Blue Badge Scheme

Blue badge logo

The Blue Badge scheme allows disabled drivers or disabled passengers to park closer to shops and local amenities. Parking spaces tend to be larger to allow for wheelchairs to be moved in and out of the car. Rules and regulations for use and applications for blue badges have been tightened in an attempt to restrict the blue badge scheme to those who need it as in the past it has been abused by non disabled people. Even if the person who had the stroke is not the driver, they must be in the car with you if you are using the blue badge. If you are a carer on your own in the car and you do not have a disability you should not use the blue badge or a designated disabled parking space when parking. If the police or parking attendants find a blue badge which is being used inappropriately, the holder may have their badge withdrawn.

You may be eligable to apply  following a stroke  for a blue badge from your local authority or online if

  • you have a perminant and substantial disability which means the person is unable or virtually unable to walk
  • you are unable or virtually unable to walk due to a temporary but substantial disability which is likely to last for a period of at least 12 months but less than 3 years
  • if you regularly drive, have a severe disability in both arms and are unable or have a considerable difficulty in operating all or some types of parking meter.
  • There may be a charge payable at the time you send in your application. A new assessment procedure will be introduced from 2012.

A blue badge does not entitle anyone to park illegally.

Blue badges can also be used in some European countries. For an application form contact your local authority or council office.

For further details on use and applying for a blue badge see Direct Gov website or the Scottish Government website.