3. Practical advice and tips for carers > Driving and transport alternatives

Driving and transport alternatives

5) Transport for wheelchair users

Man in a wheelchair

If the person you care for has mobility problems or uses a wheelchair this can make even short journeys difficult. The longer the journey and the less able the person is, means more planning before taking longer trips.

Planning ahead – before your journey

  • Access to your method of transport. Car, bus, coach, rail, boat or air. Can you be sure what facilities are available at each stage?
  • Assistance available. Will there be someone to help you?
  • Do you need to book in advance?
  • Are there accessible toilets? RADAR is a national organisation which manages a national key system for adapted toilets in the UK. For more information contact their website.
  • Can you travel at quieter time off peak?
  • Allow extra time on your journey especially if changes are needed, for example when changing trains or in an airport.
  • Think about taking extra supplies of your medication, drinks and food in case of any unforeseen delays.
  • Do you have travel insurance for a complex journey? (See the CHSS factsheet: Travel and motor insurance for people living with chest, heart and stroke illness. [.pdf])