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Money and benefits

13) The Carer Needs Assessment (2)

If you have worries about what might happen in an emergency you can use the Carer Needs Assessment to make emergency care plans if you become ill or if the person you are caring for suddenly becomes ill.

The Carers Needs Assessment can highlight any benefits you may be entitled to but are not claiming at the moment.

If housing is a barrier to you or the person you care for this can also be included in the Carer Needs Assessment. There may be a simple solution such as an adaptation or equipment you were unaware of. It may be the person’s home is no longer suitable for their needs because of their stroke disability.

You can ask for some one to help you to prepare for the Carer Needs Assessment. This could be someone who knows you and the person you care for such as a GP or District/Community nurse, social worker, close friend or an independent advocate from one of the carer organisations. The more care the person needs or if their needs are complex you should get help before filling in the Carers Needs Assessment so no aspect of care is forgotten. This will help to work out the best way to get the help you need.

For more information please see: Care Information Scotland – Carers Assessment.