6. Support for you the carer > Emergency situations

Emergency situations

3) Personal Emergency Information Pack

It is useful if you put together a pack of all the information that any emergency carer would need. This could include:

  • The emergency contact numbers list, GP, District Nurses
  • List of family and friends who would be willing to be contacted in an emergency. List of key holders.
  • Medicine list, how often it should be given and the dose. Any allergies
  • Information about the person’s disability and personal care needs.
  • Any precautions related to the person’s disability for example if the person has a sight or swallowing problem.
  • Contact numbers for other agencies involved in care such as day centres, work, CHSS nurse
  • Remember to update the pack if any of the information changes

The following is an example of how a personal emergency pack might look.

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Personal Emergency Information Pack - Pauline Clark

Pauline's husband Derek is her carer.
Emergency contact numbers Dr Dennis 234 7777 District nurse Sister Reid 234 7711

Family and friends contact numbers. Daughter Gillian 441 9090 Son Roy 789 1234 Neighbour at number 15 Margaret (has spare keys) 441 1234

Medication *Pauline is allergic to penicillin*

  • Aspirin (Blood thinner) 75mg once a day
  • Dipyridamole(Blood thinner) 200mg twice a day
  • Simvastatin 40mg (Statin for cholesterol) once a day
  • Perindopril 5mg once a day(ACE inhibitor for blood pressure)
  • Metformin (Diabetes)500mg twice a day

Pauline has had a stroke which affects her left arm and leg. She walks with a stick indoors and uses a wheelchair for outdoors. She wears a splint in her left shoe to support her ankle and leg. She must wear this when she is walking . She can manage stairs slowly holding onto the banister. She has two sticks, she leaves one at the bottom of the stairs and collects her second stick to use at the top. Sometimes she gets a painful shoulder so she should sit with her left arm resting on a pillow. She can wash and dress her top half by herself but she needs help wash lower body and to put clothes on over her feet. She needs help to put on her ankle splint. She has a problem with awareness to her left side. She does not always see objects on the left. Derek makes the main meals but Pauline can make herself a hot drink or a sandwich. She is diabetic and should try to eat healthy foods. ( she will be able to tell carers what she would like) Pauline has a telecare alarm pendent which she should wear during the day if she is on her own. She also has a telecare phone unit next to her chair in the living room.

Other information. Pauline goes to her local stroke group at the Castle Street Community Center on a wednesday from 1.30 to 3.30. The contact person is Josie Calder 444 2323. Derek usually takes her by car but Josie may be able to arrange transport from a volunteer as an alternative. Paulines dentist, optician and chiropody appointments and contact numbers are written down on the kitchen calender. If you find any other appointments in the post please tell her son or daughter and they will add them to the calendar and arrange transport. The Chest, Heart and Stroke nurse is Audrey Jones she knows Pauline and Derek well and can be contacted on 234 9955 for advice if temporary carers have questions about stroke.

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Personal Emergency Information Pack – Pauline Clark

Pauline’s husband Derek is her carer.

Emergency contact numbers Dr Dennis 234 7777 District nurse Sister Reid 234 7711

Family and friends contact numbers. Daughter Gillian 441 9090 Son Roy 789 1234 Neighbour at number 15 Margaret (has spare keys) 441 1234

Medication *Pauline is allergic to penicillin*

  • Aspirin (Blood thinner) 75mg once a day
  • Dipyridamole(Blood thinner) 200mg twice a day
  • Simvastatin 40mg (Statin for cholesterol) once a day
  • Perindopril 5mg once a day(ACE inhibitor for blood pressure)
  • Metformin (Diabetes)500mg twice a day

Pauline has had a stroke which affects her left arm and leg. She walks with a stick indoors and uses a wheelchair for outdoors. She wears a splint in her left shoe to support her ankle and leg. She must wear this when she is walking . She can manage stairs slowly holding onto the banister. She has two sticks, she leaves one at the bottom of the stairs and collects her second stick to use at the top. Sometimes she gets a painful shoulder so she should sit with her left arm resting on a pillow. She can wash and dress her top half by herself but she needs help wash lower body and to put clothes on over her feet. She needs help to put on her ankle splint. She has a problem with awareness to her left side. She does not always see objects on the left. Derek makes the main meals but Pauline can make herself a hot drink or a sandwich. She is diabetic and should try to eat healthy foods. (She will be able to tell carers what she would like). Pauline has a telecare alarm pendant which she should wear during the day if she is on her own. She also has a telecare phone unit next to her chair in the living room.

Other information. Pauline goes to her local stroke group at the Castle Street Community Center on a wednesday from 1.30 to 3.30. The contact person is Josie Calder 444 2323. Derek usually takes her by car but Josie may be able to arrange transport from a volunteer as an alternative. Paulines dentist, optician and chiropody appointments and contact numbers are written down on the kitchen calender. If you find any other appointments in the post please tell her son or daughter and they will add them to the calendar and arrange transport. The Chest, Heart and Stroke nurse is Audrey Jones she knows Pauline and Derek well and can be contacted on 234 9955 for advice if temporary carers have questions about stroke.