3. Practical advice and tips for carers > Perceptual Problems

Perceptual Problems

13) Summary

By the end of this topic you should:

  • Know more about perceptual problems after stroke including agnosia, visuo-spatial loss, inattention/neglect.
  • Know some practical tips to help if the person has inattention/neglect.
  • Know what dyspraxia is after stroke and practical tips to help the person with dyspraxia.
You have reached the end of this topic on Perceptual Problems. What do you want to do next?


1. Did you find this website easy to use?
2. Did you find the advice and information useful?
3. Would you use this website in future?
4. Can you indicate which, if any, of the other organisations listed below you may contact?
Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland (CHSS)
Citizens Advice
Scottish Government
The Princess Royal Trust for Carers
Carers Scotland
NHS Scotland

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