3. Practical advice and tips for carers > Perceptual Problems

Perceptual Problems

2) Agnosia

Agnosia is the loss of ability to recognize objects, people, sounds, shapes, or smells while the specific sense is not defective nor is there any significant memory loss.

Auditory agnosia Tactile agnosia

The person may hear the telephone ring but not recognise what this is. They may have difficulty telling the difference between the telephone and the door bell sounds.

Difficulty recognising objects by touch. This may include not being able to judge how heavy an object will be or textures of hard and soft. Sharp or blunt.
Visual agnosia Body agnosia

They may have difficulty recognising objects. For example the person may pick up a pair of glasses and tell you they are glasses but cannot work out what to do with them. They may have problems copying or matching pairs of pictures which are associated to each other. In some cases the person may not recognise faces of the family or even their own face in a mirror. They may not be able to work out what facial expressions mean such as fear, joy, anger, sadness.

The person may experience difficulty identifying parts of their own body. The affected arm may not be recognised as their own. Sometimes the person may think their own arm is someone else next to them.