4. Care at home > Social care

Social care

9) Access to local authority services

home care guide leaflet
Details of your local authority are available in you telephone directory under social work. You can call and ask for a needs assessment and/or a carer’s assessment. You can make enquiries about local services or ask to be referred to a health professional  Waiting times may vary depending on the resources required to meet your individual needs.

Some local authorities let you self refer for an occupational therapy assessment. Some have a leaflet for small personal equipment which you can order for your self. This could include easy reacher to lift items up from the floor, non slip mat, plastic urinal, kitchen trolley.

Kitchen trolley, easy reacher, plastic urinal and non slip mats

Kitchen trolley, easy reacher, plastic urinal and non slip mats. Photos are provided with permission from NRS Healthcare: https://www.nrshealthcare.co.uk