4. Care at home > Social care

Social care

6) The Rapid Response Team

A member of the rapid reponse team undertaking a home visit
The Rapid Response team are workers with different professional health and social care backgrounds. They may be known by other names such as Stand by service, Intermediate care or Mobile emergency care service in different parts of the country. They provide short term support and treatment.

Their aim is to prevent hospital admission, support the person during a crisis situation or provide emergency rehabilitation and services if the carer is unwell. They can supply equipment quickly. They can step in to help when the person has a sudden deterioration in a chronic condition or after the person comes home from hospital.

They will encourage the person’s independence by doing tasks with the person rather than for the person until they can cope for themselves. The length of time they will be involved may vary from a few days to a few weeks. If there is still an on going need for care, they will liaise with social service to reassess the future care needs.

Access to rapid response team is usually by your GP or other healthcare worker. Some teams are jointly funded between health and social services at local authority.