3. Practical advice and tips for carers > Physical deficits

Physical deficits

20) Falls prevention

If the person has a fall at home it can be frightening for them and you. There are things you can do at home to try to prevent falls.

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Things that can help prevent falls

  • Ensuring a safe environment by reducing trip hazards such as rugs. 
  • De-cluttering to make extra space, where possible, for walking aids.
  • Ensuring that things are close at hand so that they won’t have to overreach.
  • If they can be left alone but are potentially at risk of falls then make sure they have everything they need nearby (phone; remote control; walking aid; food; drink etc) and consider if they need to go to the toilet prior to being left alone.
  • Keeping as active as possible helps to prevent falls. The therapist may give an exercise programme to do at home.
  • Keeping warm can help older people in particular as they tend to move less and cold muscles are less able to perform well.