3. Practical advice and tips for carers > Moving and handling

Moving and handling

5) Using a slide or glide sheet

Video running time: 06.38 minutes. The film may take time to download depending on your broadband speed.
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In this film we see the use of a slide or glide sheet. If you have been given a slide sheet to use at home, you should have been given instructions about how to use it safely. This film is a guide only.


“Now Joanne, we looked at John moving across the bed by bending his knees up and allowing allowing him to lift his bottom over.” “When John’s feeling a bit tired or maybe when he is having an off day, it might be a good idea to think about using a sliding sheet to move him across the bed,” “It’s easier for John just to slide by pushing his bottom across or by you actually physically sliding him across using the sheet.”

“So we put this under and we’ll just have a look at that.” “So raise the bed again so it’s a practical height for us to work at without straining ourselves.” “OK put that down just now.” “So John, we are going to roll you towards Joanne so I can get the slide sheet in.” “So just bend this knee up a little bit, just the one, let the other stay down John.” “That’s fine.” “If you can take care of your arm.” “Take hold of your arm.” “I’ll just put the slide sheet in so it’s sliding on itself sideways.” “I’ll push that as far through as |I can.” “Now John, if you come back on to the sheet OK.” “This time you are coming to me, well done.” “Nice and slowly OK.” “OK that’s you well and truly on it.” “So let’s bring you back into the centre again.”

“OK Now John we are just, we are in preparation for coming out of the bed again.” “So just going to slide your bottom over towards me.” “OK.” “So Joanne’s going to guide you across and I’m going to do the sliding.” “OK so after ready, steady.” “Ready, steady, slide.” “OK, that’s far enough.” “What we do John is if you can just roll towards Joanne a little bit, and I’ll just take the sheet out altogether.” “Just remove it by taking it out from underneath, nice and gently.”

“Now John, we are just going to lower the bed so when you roll over on to the side to sit up that you’re not in mid air.” “OK so just bear with us.” “OK I’ll just come round Joanne.” “Ok John we are just going to help you up into sitting.” “We are going to bring your legs over the side of the bed first.” “So you are actually on your side already.” “I’ll hold on to your legs.” “OK now Joanne is going to help you to sit up.” “You can push up with your left hand.” “Try and keep your weight coming forward John.” “Can we bring this leg round?” “We are just about there.” “OK if we can try and keep you coming straight up from your side that’s the easiest way.” “As soon as you start to lean back, that’s when it becomes difficult to sit up.” “And what we’ll do is help you get your bottom round.” “Can you jiggle your bottom forward a little bit?” “Can you bring this side forward?” “Let me just help you with your hip.” “That’s it.” “Both feet on the ground John.” “You feeling OK?” “Just give you a wee minute for your head to get used to being upright again.” “You’re OK.”

“So we are going to transfer you back on to the wheelchair using the turner.” “So we will just get everything organised.” “I’m just going to walk the turner in towards you John.” “Just put that foot slightly further on.” “OK thank you.” “Now if you just sit still for a second, while I get the wheelchair into position.” “I think what I’ll do is put the wheelchair straight in front of you John just to demonstrate how we can actually get him in to the wheelchair without it having to be at ninety degrees.” “I’ll leave it here.” “Then we can move it when we need to.” “OK so if you can assist John up into standing again and just get his trunk.” “I’ll counter balance at the front again.” “Nice and upright John. “ “Nice and upright John. “ “You can try and bring your tummy forward so you are well tucked in at the back.” “OK I’m just going to move the turner round keeping nice and upright.” “All the way round and just you stay there for a second.” “I’ll just get the chair in behind you.” “Now Joanne, at the moment we’ve got no space at the front of the turner to counter balance it from the front.”

“So what we need to do is just counter balance the turner from each side with our foot on it at the side” “OK John we ready to sit down nice and slowly.” “Stick your bottom right out behind you, bend in the middle and down you go.” “Just watch this arm.” “OK, I’m just going to take the chair away from the turner and take the turner away.”

Here are some points to consider when using a slide sheet.

  • Roll the person on to their side. (the person may need help to do this. Bending one knee will help the person to roll.)
  • Position the slide sheet. (Push the sheet as far under the person as you can then roll them on to the other side and pull the slide sheet through. The sheet should be under the person when they are lying flat again.)
  • Are you both ready? (Tell the person before you start to pull.)
  • Let the sheet do the work. (A firm, controlled pull on the top layer of the sheet is enough to move the person across the bed. Take care with your own posture, keeping your knees slightly bent and your back straight but not rigid.)
  • Remove the slide sheet. (You should remove the sheet after it has been used. Pull on the lower layer to remove the sheet Pulling a little at a time. Do not leave the person lying on a slide sheet as they may move and slip off the bed.)