6. Support for you the carer > End of Life Care

End of Life Care

7) Practical care at end of life – social, spiritual and psychological needs

Close up view showing joined hands of elderly couple

  • Social needs. It is important that the person has a chance to put their affairs in order. This may include a visit from a legal representative or person who has been officially nominated as their power of attorney. Having close family and friends near if they wish.
  • Spiritual needs Nursing staff should be made aware of any religious or personal spiritual need the person has for their last days. Contact with someone from their faith should be allowed and encouraged if this is an important aspect of the persons life and wishes. Spiritual need does not necessarily mean religion or faith. It could be that the person needs time to think about their life, have close family with them for comfort or to have their favorite music playing quietly in their room.
  • Psychological needs : Communication with the person and their carers is crucial. We all try to cope in different ways. Where are you getting support at this time of great stress? The team are there for you too so don’t worry about asking for help.